At Metabolic Research Institute, we are dedicated to the advancement of science and medicine. Through clinical studies and trials, we help further the advancement of medicine and help improve the quality of life for thousands of people. We like to keep our participants informed about our procedures and studies so they can feel more comfortable and confident throughout the project. If you are considering participating in one of our diabetes or other clinical trials, we believe it would be beneficial for you to become familiar with the research process.
The research process involves four distinct phases.
- Phase 1 of the process focuses on evaluating to most effective plan of care or dosage of a drug for treating someone with a particular medical disorder.
- Phase 2 comes next and involves a slightly larger group of patients who suffer from said medical condition. During this phase, patients are studied for a longer period of time in order to determine the effectiveness of the treatment plan or medication, as well as to evaluate how safe it is.
- Phase 3 takes things a step further with an even larger number of patients. This phase also typically compares the new medication to similar medications that have already been established and approved by the FDA. Once the treatment has been approved for marketing to the public, the process moves into phase four.
- Phase 4 involves studying the medication or treatment for an extended period of time in order to evaluate side-effects that can result from long-term use. You can learn more about the research process on our website. If you are interested in participating in one our clinical trials and research, please do not hesitate to contact us. Through research and your participation, we can help better the lives of thousands of people through the treatment of debilitating diseases.
Metabolic Research Institute’s clinical trials are the fastest and safest ways to find treatments that work and improve people’s health. Whether it’s diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, or a variety of other health issues, clinical research studies provide the medicine of tomorrow… today.
Metabolic Research Institute, Inc. (“MRI”), is a private Clinical Research Company located at 1515 North Flagler Drive, Suite 440, West Palm Beach Florida 33401. Unless otherwise noted, all study-related appointments for qualified clinical participants in any MRI research trial will take place at this address.