Unlike Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes is something that usually develops later in life. At the Metabolic Research Institute, we perform diabetes clinical trials in hope of finding some sort of answer that will help make this disease easier to cope with. While most people know that a poor diet and a lack of exercise can contribute to the chances of developing type 2 diabetes, very few know exactly what happens to the body once diabetes has been diagnosed.
Type 2 diabetes does not keep your body from creating insulin, but it does make less and less insulin, which in turn makes it extremely difficult to keep your blood sugar in normal ranges. Over time, high blood sugar levels can lead to other health problems.
Some of the places that we see this happening are the eyes, feet and your heart. Type 2 diabetes can create temporary waves of blurred version. When individuals with type 2 diabetes start to notice floaters or blurred version, it’s usually a sign that they need to get to the doctor because health conditions are getting worse.
Feet are another dominant part that people see affected by type 2 diabetes. Our feet require tons of circulation, and with lower blood sugar, a weaker heart and poor health, circulation isn’t great. When type 2 diabetes gets difficult for people to manage, they’ll usually notice that they have less feeling in their feet.
In regards to your heart’s health, type 2 diabetes increases your blood sugar, which in turn damages the lining of all your blood vessels. When this happens, your body is at a greater risk of developing health issues like heart attacks, strokes and heart disease.
This disease is not something that makes life easy. That is why our team works hard each day to get just a little closer to finding a solution. Support our cause by learning more about the disease and our efforts to stop it.